A “splendid” (The Wall Street Journal) account of one of history’s most important and yet little-known wars, the campaign culminating in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, whose outcome determined the future of the Roman Empire.Following Caesar’s...List Price $19.99List Price $19.99
Proceedings of an international conference held in Athens from 11-13 November, 2006. Winner of "The World Prize for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran" Award in 2010.List Price $94.00List Price $94.00
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As one of the most famous religious centers in the Aegean, the island of Samothrace was visited by thousands of worshippers between the 7th century B.C. and the 4th century A.D. All known inscriptions listing or mentioning Samothracian initiates and...List Price $75.00Our Price $37.25List Price $75.00Our Price $37.25
Drawing on new archaeological evidence, an authoritative history of Rome’s Great Fire―and how it inflicted lasting harm on the Roman EmpireAccording to legend, the Roman emperor Nero set fire to his majestic imperial capital on the night of July 19, AD...List Price $18.95Our Price $8.98List Price $18.95Our Price $8.98
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Product Description Das Gymnasion zählte zu den öffentlichen Einrichtungen, über die eineStadt im griechisch-hellenistischen Kulturraum verfügen mußte, um denRang einer Polis beanspruchen zu können. Obwohl einzelne Gymnasienbereits seit archaischer...List Price $124.00List Price $124.00
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Here James O'Hara shows how the deceptive nature of prophecy in the Aeneid complicates assessment of the poem's attitude toward its hero's achievement and toward the future of Rome under Augustus Caesar. This close study of the language and rhetorical...List Price $28.95List Price $28.95
How religious ritual united a growing and diversifying Roman RepublicMany narrative histories of Rome's transformation from an Italian city-state to a Mediterranean superpower focus on political and military conflicts as the primary agents of social...List Price $35.00Our Price $24.98List Price $35.00Our Price $24.98
The fascinating story of how the fossils of dinosaurs, mammoths, and other extinct animals influenced some of the most spectacular creatures of classical mythologyGriffins, Centaurs, Cyclopes, and Giants―these fabulous creatures of classical mythology...List Price $19.95Our Price $10.98List Price $19.95Our Price $10.98