"What a woman! And what a fabulous life to unearth. Zelia Nuttall was incredibly smart, determined, a divorced single mother in a man’s world, a great scholar, and an original thinker―yet today she’s completely forgotten. Merilee Grindle has dug deep...List Price $32.95List Price $32.95
More than 40 percent of the world’s estimated 7,100+ languages are in danger of disappearing by the end of this century. As with the decline of biodiversity, language loss has been attributed to environmental degradation, developmentalism, and the...List Price $35.00List Price $35.00
In this book Paul Willis, a renowned sociologist and ethnographer, aims to renew and develop the ethnographic craft across the disciplines. Drawing from numerous examples of his own past and current work, he shows that ethnographic practice and the...List Price $23.75Our Price $11.75List Price $23.75Our Price $11.75
In the face of the world’s disorders, moral concerns have provided a powerful ground for developing international as well as local policies. Didier Fassin draws on case materials from France, South Africa, Venezuela, and Palestine to explore the meaning...List Price $29.95Our Price $15.00List Price $29.95Our Price $15.00
Examines the impact of permanent settlements on human social interaction, and looks at the role of the senses in human cultureList Price $12.50List Price $12.50
Uncovering The Truth : Political Violence And Indigenous Organizations / Rolando Alecio -- Weaving Our Future : Campesino Struggles For Land / Rigoberta Menchú And The Committee Of Campesino Unity -- Faith, Community, And Resistance In The Guatemalan...List Price $9.00List Price $9.00
To many observers in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Mexico appeared to be a modern nation-state at last assuming an international role through its participation in NAFTA and the OECD (Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development). Then came the...List Price $10.50List Price $10.50
"There is a nuclear ghost in Minamisōma." This is how one resident describes a mysterious experience following the 2011 nuclear fallout in coastal Fukushima. Investigating the nuclear ghost among the graying population, Ryo Morimoto encounters...List Price $29.95List Price $29.95
Who are we? How did the world become what it is today? What paths did humanity traverse along the way? Patterns in Prehistory is a comprehensive and engaging survey of humanity's past three million years. It brings together theories and archaeological...List Price $16.95Our Price $10.00List Price $16.95Our Price $10.00
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During the Last Ice Age, Europe was a cold, dry place teeming with mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, reindeer, bison, cave bears, cave hyenas, and cave lions. It was also the home of people physically indistinguishable from humans today, commonly known as...List Price $30.00List Price $30.00
How did humanity evolve? And what does our evolutionary history tell us about what it means to be human? These questions are fundamental to our identity as individuals and as a species and to our relationship with the world. But there are almost as many...List Price $32.95List Price $32.95
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The radically humanistic essays in Arc of Interference refigure our sense of the real, the ethical, and the political in the face of mounting social and planetary upheavals. Creatively assembled around Arthur Kleinman’s medical anthropological arc and...List Price $29.95List Price $29.95
High Tech and High Heels in the Global Economy is an ethnography of globalization positioned at the intersection between political economy and cultural studies. Carla Freeman’s fieldwork in Barbados grounds the processes of transnational...List Price $29.95Our Price $14.50List Price $29.95Our Price $14.50
Prehistory covers the period of some 4 million years before the start of written history, when our earliest ancestors, the Australopithecines, existed in Africa. But this is relatively recent compared to whole history of the earth of some 4.5 billion...List Price $11.95List Price $11.95
Hybrids of Modernity considers the relationship between three western modernist institutions: anthropology, the nation state and the universal exhibition. It looks at the ways in which these institutions are linked, in how they are engaged in the...List Price $46.95Our Price $14.95List Price $46.95Our Price $14.95
A noted and influential anthropologist surveys a broad spectrum of human societies to delineate the diversity and cultural richness surrounding passage through the stages of life in primitive culturesList Price $12.25List Price $12.25