In this silly, read-from-both sides, comic-style joke book for kids, one side is dog jokes told by cats, and the other side is cat jokes told by dogs—for more than 200 jokes in all!
There are few rivalries across history that are quite as formidable as CATS vs. DOGS. In this fully illustrated joke book, they go head-to-head—with a twist or two that may give you…paws.
Presented in a read-from-both-sides format, the first half of the book consists of cat jokes told by a recurring cast of dogs (What do you call an insect in a cat’s bathroom? A litterbug!). Flip the book over to start from the other side, and it becomes a book of dog jokes told by cats (What’s the difference between kibble and a heavy mist? One is dog food, and the other is fog, dude!) In the middle spread, the casts of cartoon dogs and cats come together for a mid-book finale of shared giggles, snorts, and guffaws.
There are few rivalries across history that are quite as formidable as CATS vs. DOGS. In this fully illustrated joke book, they go head-to-head—with a twist or two that may give you…paws.
Presented in a read-from-both-sides format, the first half of the book consists of cat jokes told by a recurring cast of dogs (What do you call an insect in a cat’s bathroom? A litterbug!). Flip the book over to start from the other side, and it becomes a book of dog jokes told by cats (What’s the difference between kibble and a heavy mist? One is dog food, and the other is fog, dude!) In the middle spread, the casts of cartoon dogs and cats come together for a mid-book finale of shared giggles, snorts, and guffaws.