The authoritative edition of Henry VI, Part 1 from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers.Henry VI, Part 1 is an uncompromising celebration of early English nationalism that...List Price $6.99List Price $6.99
Celebrated prose retellings of Shakespeare's playsCharles and Mary Lamb have delighted generations of adults as well as children with their famed prose renderings of Shakespeare's originals. Bringing the plays to life in a form that encourages readers to...List Price $14.00List Price $14.00
Product Descriptionthis collection contains three full-length plays: BAL, THE RETURN OF PINOCCHIO, &THE VIENNA NOTESReviewConversations with Richard Nelson lead inevitably to two topics: theater and politics. Nelson's anger and occasional pleasure in the...List Price $19.95List Price $19.95
What does it mean to perform Shakespeare's Elizabethan and Jacobean tragedies in the modern theatre? This book brings together the reflections of a number of major classical actors on how these works can most powerfully be realized for today's audiences...List Price $40.99Our Price $16.98List Price $40.99Our Price $16.98
Dramatist Tsao Yu is often hailed as "the Shakespeare of China." Sunrise (1935), one of China's most revered 20th-century dramas, deals with Tsao's trademark themes of corruption, city life, and poverty. The story of Sunrise revolves around Chen Bailu, a...List Price $28.95Our Price $21.71List Price $28.95Our Price $21.71
What was Shakespeare? For Edward Pechter, the question does not concern the time-worn mystery of identity--whether the Bard was the glover's son from Stratford or the Earl of Oxford or any of the other pretenders. Instead, Pechter examines how our talk...List Price $20.95Our Price $15.71List Price $20.95Our Price $15.71
Receptive to influences of such diverse theorists as Derrida, Jameson, Foucault, Irigaray, Kristeva, Lacan and Althusser, materialist Shakespeare criticism has long since left behind the days of ‘vulgar’ Marxism and has emerged as a rich interpretive...List Price $20.00Our Price $15.00List Price $20.00Our Price $15.00
Just at the moment when conflicts between critical "isms" are threatening to turn the study of English literature into a game park for endangered texts, Bradshaw arrives with a work of liberating wit and insight. His subject is double: the Shakespeare he...List Price $23.99List Price $23.99
Artists and writers in early twentieth-century England engaged in a variety of ways with the cultural traditions of Shakespeare as a means of defining and relating what they understood to be their own unique historical experience. In Shakespeare and...List Price $85.00Our Price $63.75List Price $85.00Our Price $63.75
If Eugene O’Neill represents the tragic mask of American drama, then George S. Kaufman can easily lay claim to its smiling counterpart. No other comic dramatist in America has enjoyed more popular success and perennial influence or been more fortunate in...List Price $35.00Our Price $16.98List Price $35.00Our Price $16.98
The death of the father starts more family bickering about his young, alcoholic wifeList Price $9.95List Price $9.95
Under the editorship of the late Robert Nemiroff, with a provocative and thoughtful introduction by preeminent African-American scholar Margaret B. Wilkerson and a commentary by Spike Lee, this completely restored screenplay is the accurate and...List Price $9.99List Price $9.99
The inspiration for the musical film adaptation starring Peter Dinklage and directed by Joe WrightPoet and soldier, brawler and charmer, Cyrano de Bergerac is desperately in love with Roxane, the most beautiful woman in Paris. But there is one very large...List Price $13.00List Price $13.00
To your local anchorperson, the word "tragedy" brings to mind an accidental fire at a low-income apartment block, the horrors of a natural disaster, or atrocities occurring in distant lands. To a classicist however, the word brings to mind the...List Price $11.95List Price $11.95
A Nobel Prize-winning playwright's classic tale of tragic decisions in a traditional African culture. Based on events that took place in Oyo, an ancient Yoruba city of Nigeria, in 1946, Wole Soyinka's powerful play concerns the intertwined lives of...List Price $14.95List Price $14.95
Tom Stoppard’s magnificent trilogy, The Coast of Utopia, was the most keenly awaited and successful drama of 2007. Now Stoppard’s crowning achievement” (David Cote, Time Out New York) has been collected in one volume, with an introduction by the author,...List Price $18.00Our Price $8.98List Price $18.00Our Price $8.98
Chekhov's masterpiece, about a Russian family losing its ancestral home, combines a lament for a vanishing past with a hopeful dream of the future. In the century since its first performance, The Cherry Orchard has undergone a wide range of conflicting...List Price $16.50List Price $16.50
An illustrative selection of German dramas from the baroque age and the early Enlightenment (i.e. prior to Lessing), by Sachs, Gryphius, Schlegel, and others.List Price $51.95Our Price $10.00List Price $51.95Our Price $10.00
“The concluding work in one of the most ambitious dramatic projects ever undertaken . . . a play that could well be Mr. Wilson’s most provocative.”—Ben Brantley, The New York Times“Radio Golf is a rich, carefully wrought human tapestry that is colorful,...List Price $15.95List Price $15.95
A bitter marriage unravels in Edward Albee's darkly humorous play—winner of the Tony Award for Best Play.“Twelve times a week,” answered actress Uta Hagen when asked how often she’d like to play Martha in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In the same way,...List Price $17.00List Price $17.00