• Reclaiming the Game


    In Reclaiming the Game, William Bowen and Sarah Levin disentangle the admissions and academic experiences of recruited athletes, walk-on athletes, and other students. In a field overwhelmed by reliance on anecdotes, the factual findings are striking--and...
  • Charter Schools


    Over the past several years, privately run, publicly funded charter schools have been sold to the American public as an education alternative promising better student achievement, greater parent satisfaction, and more vibrant school communities. But are...
  • Socrates in the Boardroom


    Why top scholars make the best university leadersSocrates in the Boardroom argues that world-class scholars, not administrators, make the best leaders of research universities. Amanda Goodall cuts through the rhetoric and misinformation swirling around...
  • Lessons Learned


    Lessons Learned gives unprecedented access to the university president's office, providing a unique set of reflections on the challenges involved in leading both research universities and liberal arts colleges. In this landmark book, William Bowen,...
  • Stones into Schools


    From the author of the #1 bestseller Three Cups of Tea, the continuing story of this determined humanitarian’s efforts to promote peace through educationIn this dramatic first-person narrative, Greg Mortenson picks up where Three Cups of Tea left off in...
  • Education and Identity in Rural France


    Drawing on an ethnographic study of a remote community in the Auvergne, Dr. Reed-Danahay challenges conventional views about the operation of the French school system. She shows how parents subvert and resist the ideological messages of the teachers, and...
  • Academically Adrift


    In spite of soaring tuition costs, more and more students go to college every year. A bachelor's degree is now required for entry into a growing number of professions. And some parents begin planning for the expense of sending their kids to college when...
  • Surviving Your Stupid, Stupid Decision to Go to Gr…


    This is a book for dedicated academics who consider spending years masochistically overworked and underappreciated as a laudable goal. They lead the lives of the impoverished, grade the exams of whiny undergrads, and spend lonely nights in the library or...
  • People and Stories / Gente y Cuentos


    "Sarah Hirschman's book is ... really a manifesto for an approach to education that does all these more human, more important things."-Danielle Allen, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey"I'd love to see People and Stories...
  • The Source of the River


    African Americans and Latinos earn lower grades and drop out of college more often than whites or Asians. Yet thirty years after deliberate minority recruitment efforts began, we still don't know why. In The Shape of the River, William Bowen and Derek...
  • Debating Moral Education


    After decades of marginalization in the secularized twentieth-century academy, moral education has enjoyed a recent resurgence in American higher education, with the establishment of more than 100 ethics centers and programs on campuses across the...
  • The Skin That We Speak


    From the celebrated author of Other People's Children, a fifth anniversary edition of the pathbreaking collection examining the relationship between language and power in the classroom, with a new introduction.At a time when children are written off in...
  • Constructing School Success


    Bolstering the academic success of low achieving students and providing a more egalitarian classroom setting are two constant challenges to our schools. This book describes the process of "untracking", an educational reform effort that has prepared...
  • Battle of the Books


    An examination of the debate raging in academia over the literary canon argues that what students read has implications for their development as individuals and their ability to establish consensus on national issues.
  • Wishes, Lies, and Dreams


    The classic, inspiring account of a poet's experience teaching school children to write poetryWhen Kenneth Koch entered the Manhattan classrooms of P.S. 61, the children, excited by the opportunity to work with an instructor able to inspire their talent...
  • History Lesson


    From the author of Not Out of Africa comes a gripping first-person account of the tyranny of political correctness in academeIn the early 1990s, Classics professor Mary Lefkowitz discovered that one of her faculty colleagues at Wellesley College was...
  • Student Book Split Volulme B with CD


    Focus on Grammar helps students understand and practice English grammar through contextualized listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Focus on Grammar combines controlled and communicative practice with critical thinking skills and ongoing...
  • The State of the Nation


    Never before have Americans been so anxious about the future of their society. But rarely has anyone offered a clear statement about why, in a nation so prosperous, free, and stable, we tend to assume that the country is in dire straits and that the...
  • From Student to Scholar


    Steven M. Cahn's advice on the professorial life covers an extensive range of critical issues: how to plan, complete, and defend a dissertation; how to navigate a job interview; how to improve teaching performance; how to prepare and publish research;...
  • Education's End


    A passionate call for our colleges and universities to prepare young people for lives of fulfillment not just successful careersThe question of what living is for—of what one should care about and why—is the most important question a person can ask. Yet...