This text establishes a sound interdisciplinary context for understanding the political framework of the seven South Asian nations. Making use of the rich comparative possibilities afforded by the subcontinent, the authors consider examples of political development that range from the relatively open, democratic systems of India and Sri Lanka to the occasionally authoritarian governments of Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well as the changing traditional polities of Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives.All seven countries face the challenges of nation building, state building, political participation, and economic development; they also share a common political heritage of relations with Great Britain, a connection explored in the introductory chapter. India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are discussed in detail in chapters written by area specialists; Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives are grouped together in a brief overview. Concluding chapters survey the subcontinent as a whole, focusing on regional cooperation and conflict, international relations, and ongoing struggles with authoritarianism and democracy. Each chapter is supplemented with suggested readings.Reflecting new trends in studying comparative politics, the fourth edition has been completely revised according to the structural functional model. Each section treats four major areas of inquiry: political culture and political socialization, interest articulation and interest aggregation, governmental structures, and outputs and outcomes. As with previous editions, this text establishes a sound interdisciplinary context for understanding the political framework of the seven South Asian nations.Designed as a core text for courses on the region, Government and Politics in South Asia will also be valuable for courses in political development and comparative politics.