A boy and his dad discover all they have in common on a fishing trip in Hooked, a sweet picture book about father-son bonding by Tommy Greenwald with illustrations by David McPhail.
Joe loves fishing. He loves watching the water and looking at the sky, he loves the peacefulness, and he especially loves dreaming about catching the Big One.
Joe’s dad does not love fishing. He doesn’t like the waiting, or the worms, or the fact that nothing much happens.
But when Joe needs a parental chaperone for an ice-fishing field trip, his dad agrees to go along. And when the waiting turns into talking, exchanging jokes, and sharing hot chocolate, Joe's dad discovers something unexpected.
He doesn’t just like fishing with Joe―he loves it.
You could even say he’s hooked.
Joe loves fishing. He loves watching the water and looking at the sky, he loves the peacefulness, and he especially loves dreaming about catching the Big One.
Joe’s dad does not love fishing. He doesn’t like the waiting, or the worms, or the fact that nothing much happens.
But when Joe needs a parental chaperone for an ice-fishing field trip, his dad agrees to go along. And when the waiting turns into talking, exchanging jokes, and sharing hot chocolate, Joe's dad discovers something unexpected.
He doesn’t just like fishing with Joe―he loves it.
You could even say he’s hooked.