TWAIN, MARK: LETTERS: 1853-1866, EDITED BY E, M, BRANCH, M, B, FRANK, K, M, SANDERSON, BERKELEY, CA, 1988, xlvi 616 p, laminas,Encuadernacion original, Nuevo,
Here is young Sam Clemens―in the world, getting famous, making love―in 155 magnificently edited letters that trace his remarkable self-transformation from a footloose, irreverent West Coast...
"I've struck it!" Mark Twain wrote in a 1904 letter to a friend. "And I will give it away―to you. You will never know how much enjoyment you have lost until you get to dictating your autobiography."...
"I went to Maui to stay a week and remained five. I had a jolly time. I would not have fooled away any of it writing letters under any consideration whatever." --Mark TwainSo Samuel Langhorne Clemens...