Catalogue of On Fire, the exhibition curated by Bruno CorĆ , organized by the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in collaboration with Tornabuoni Art, hosted from April to July 2022 and dedicated to the most evocative of nature?s primary elements: fire.0This publication retraces the exhibition path, which focuses on some avant-garde artists who adopted fire as a means of artistic expression: Alberto Burri, Yves Klein, Arman, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Jannis Kounellis e Claudio Parmiggiani.0These artists have explored both the destructive and generative effects of fire, using different materials, as well as ash and light.0The catalogue includes several photographs showing the artists at work and their pieces: from Burri?s combustions to Klein?s, Arman?s and Kounellis?s use of gas flame, as well as Calzolari?s and Parmiggiani?s use of flames and smoke in different ways.00Exhibition: Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy (22.04. - 24.07.2022).0.