100 Years of Collecting in The Story of Sotherby Parke Bernet. By Thomas E. Norton. " Great fortunes were amased in newly industrialized America in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. With the means to collect the world's finest works of art, many prominent industrialists set out to aquire grand paintings and objects to fill their legendary mansions. Some of the purchases were made on visits abroad, others through art dealers. Begining in the 1880's, many of the finest works were bought and sold at auction at the American Art Association on Madison Square./ The history of collecting in this country is inextricably linked with the history of this firm, the antecedent of the Parke-Bernet and of today's Sotheby's in America./ The Story of Sotheby Parke Bernet tells the story of these works of art-how they were made, who owned them, who sold them, who bought them, and how much they paid." from front flap. 279 illustrations, including 50 pages in full color.