Edited By Alexander George. Essays Prepared To Honor Noam Chomsky On The Occasion Of His 60th Birthday On December 7, 1988. Includes Bibliographical References And Index.List Price $10.00List Price $10.00
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In Immeasurable Weather Sara J. Grossman explores how environmental data collection has been central to the larger project of settler colonialism in the United States. She draws on an extensive archive of historical and meteorological data spanning two...List Price $27.95List Price $27.95
This collection of essays presents an up-to-date overview of research in the minimalist program of linguistic theory. The book includes a new essay by Noam Chomsky as well as original contributions from other renowned linguists.Contributors:Andrew Barss,...List Price $50.00Our Price $18.95List Price $50.00Our Price $18.95
The Minimalist Program is just that, a “program”. It is a challenge for syntacticians to reexamine the constructs of their models and ask what is minimally needed in order to accomplish the essential task of syntax – interfacing between form and meaning...List Price $158.00Our Price $94.00List Price $158.00Our Price $94.00
The development of the Minimalist Program (MP), Noam Chomsky's most recent generative model of linguistics, has been highly influential over the last twenty years. It has had significant implications not only for the conduct of linguistic analysis...List Price $104.00Our Price $54.00List Price $104.00Our Price $54.00
The phenomenon of grammaticalization--the historical process whereby new grammatical material is created--has attracted a great deal of attention within linguistics in recent years. This book shows how this approach leads to a number of important...List Price $109.00Our Price $53.95List Price $109.00Our Price $53.95
Human language seems to have arisen roughly within the last 50-100,000 years. In evolutionary terms, this is the mere blink of an eye. If this is correct, then much of what we consider distinctive to language must in fact involve operations available in...List Price $144.99Our Price $28.98List Price $144.99Our Price $28.98
Boeckx examines the foundations and explains the underlying philosophy of the Minimalist Program for linguistic theory, the most radical version to date of Noam Chomsky's naturalistic approach to language. He exemplifies its methods, considers the...List Price $58.75List Price $58.75
Review `...the book is thorough, clear and true to it purpose. It is an excellent textbook for a course in theoretical psycholinguistics and most of all, is simply "a good read".' Language, Vol. 64, No. 2, 1988 Product Description This...List Price $219.00Our Price $18.95List Price $219.00Our Price $18.95
Noam Chomsky is one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth-century. His work in linguistics, philosophy and political theory has spanned six decades, and has been met with critical acclaim and controversy in equal measure. This book is an...List Price $49.95Our Price $30.00List Price $49.95Our Price $30.00
Hisatsugu Kitahara advances Noam Chomsky's Minimalist Program (1995) with a number of innovative proposals.List Price $20.00Our Price $10.95List Price $20.00Our Price $10.95
The essays in this book present explicit syntactic analyses that adhere to programmatic minimalist guidelines. Thus they show how the guiding ideas of minimalism can shape the construction of a new, more explanatory theory of the syntactic component of...List Price $85.00Our Price $16.95List Price $85.00Our Price $16.95
One of the world's leading syntacticians presents evidence for locating Adverb Phrases in the specifiers of distinct functional projections within a novel and well articulated theory of the clause. In this theory, both adverbs and heads, which encode the...List Price $200.00Our Price $41.75List Price $200.00Our Price $41.75
This book presents a Minimalist analysis of syntactic relations. The authors argue that certain fundamental relations such as c-command, dominance, and checking relations can be explained within a derivational approach to structure-building couched...List Price $130.00Our Price $26.95List Price $130.00Our Price $26.95
As humans, our many levels of language use distinguish us from the rest of the animal world. For many scholars, it is the recursive aspect of human speech that makes it truly human. But linguists continue to argue about what recursion actually is,...List Price $139.99Our Price $51.95List Price $139.99Our Price $51.95
This volume collects eleven papers written between 1991 and 2016, some of them unpublished, which explore various aspects of the architecture of grammar in a minimalist perspective. The phenomena that are brought to bear on the architectural issue come...List Price $190.00Our Price $26.95List Price $190.00Our Price $26.95
This volume brings together cutting-edge experimental research from leaders in the fields of linguistics and psycholinguistics to explore the nature of a phenomenon that has long been central to syntactic theory - 'island effects'. The chapters in this...List Price $122.00Our Price $45.00List Price $122.00Our Price $45.00
This volume presents essays by some of the leading figures in the vanguard of theoretical linguistics within the framework of universal grammmar. One of the first books to adopt the "minimalist" framework to syntactic analysis, it includes a central...List Price $79.95Our Price $25.00List Price $79.95Our Price $25.00
Mark C. Baker investigates the fundamental nature of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. He claims that the various superficial differences found in particular languages have a single underlying source which can be used to provide better definitions of these...List Price $28.95List Price $28.95