Why do card tricks work? How can magicians do astonishing feats of mathematics mentally? Why do stage "mind-reading" tricks work? As a rule, we simply accept these tricks and "magic" without recognizing that they are really demonstrations of strict laws...List Price $11.95List Price $11.95
More stimulating mathematics puzzles from bestselling author Paul NahinHow do technicians repair broken communications cables at the bottom of the ocean without actually seeing them? What's the likelihood of plucking a needle out of a haystack the size...List Price $29.95Our Price $15.98List Price $29.95Our Price $15.98
The universe has many secrets. It may hide additional dimensions of space other than the familier three we recognize. There might even be another universe adjacent to ours, invisible and unattainable . . . for now.Warped Passages is a brilliantly...List Price $15.95Our Price $11.99List Price $15.95Our Price $11.99
2012 New York Times Top 10 Book of the YearSlate.com 2012 Staff PickIn this astonishing and profound work, an irreverent sleuth traces the riddle of existence from the ancient world to modern times. Whether framed philosophically as “Why is there a world...List Price $27.95Our Price $8.98List Price $27.95Our Price $8.98
An unforgettable story of discovery and unimaginable destruction and a major biography of one of America’s most brilliant—and most divisive—scientists, Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center vividly illuminates the man who would go down in history...List Price $24.00List Price $24.00
Drawing from the horizons of science, today's leading thinkers reveal the hidden threats nobody is talking about—and expose the false fears everyone else is distracted by.What should we be worried about? That is the question John Brockman, publisher of...List Price $15.99Our Price $11.99List Price $15.99Our Price $11.99
Daniel Dennett's "brilliant" exploration of human consciousness — named one of the ten best books of the year by the New York Times — is a masterpiece beloved by both scientific experts and general readers (New York Times Book Review).Consciousness...List Price $23.99List Price $23.99
Through Euclid's Window Leonard Mlodinow brilliantly and delightfully leads us on a journey through five revolutions in geometry, from the Greek concept of parallel lines to the latest notions of hyperspace. Here is an altogether new, refreshing,...List Price $18.99List Price $18.99
"An accessible and engaging exploration of the mysteries of time."-Brian Greene, author of The Elegant UniverseTwenty years ago, Stephen Hawking tried to explain time by understanding the Big Bang. Now, Sean Carroll says we need to be more ambitious. One...List Price $13.50List Price $13.50
The most comprehensive collection of Einstein quotations ever publishedHere is the definitive new edition of the hugely popular collection of Einstein quotations that has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide and been translated into twenty-five...List Price $16.95Our Price $7.98List Price $16.95Our Price $7.98
Albert Einstein's brain floats in a Tupperware bowl in a gray duffel bag in the trunk of a Buick Skylark barreling across America. Driving the car is journalist Michael Paterniti. Sitting next to him is an eighty-four-year-old pathologist named Thomas...List Price $17.00List Price $17.00
Book by Booth, Don, Booth, Johathan, Boyles, PegList Price $14.95Our Price $8.95List Price $14.95Our Price $8.95
Every once in a while nature gives us insight into the human condition by providing us with a unique case whose special properties illuminate the species as a whole. Christopher is such an example. Despite disabilities which mean that everyday tasks are...List Price $106.00Our Price $27.74List Price $106.00Our Price $27.74
A spirited volume on the great adventures of science throughout history, for curious readers of all agesScience is fantastic. It tells us about the infinite reaches of space, the tiniest living organism, the human body, the history of Earth. People have...List Price $15.00List Price $15.00
Taking “Gangnam Style” seriously: what Internet memes can tell us about digital culture.In December 2012, the exuberant video “Gangnam Style” became the first YouTube clip to be viewed more than one billion times. Thousands of its viewers responded by...List Price $15.95List Price $15.95
We are accustomed to thinking of science and its findings as universal. After all, one atom of carbon plus two of oxygen yields carbon dioxide in Amazonia as well as in Alaska; a scientist in Bombay can use the same materials and techniques to challenge...List Price $17.50List Price $17.50
Properly analyzed, the collective mythological and religious writings of humanity reveal that around 1500 BC, a comet swept perilously close to Earth, triggering widespread natural disasters and threatening the destruction of all life before settling...List Price $17.50List Price $17.50
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“Fascinating . . . One of the most important stories in the history of science.”— Washington PostIn recent years, a handful of scientists has been racing to explain a disturbing aspect of our universe: only 4 percent of it consists of the matter that...List Price $17.99List Price $17.99
Mathematics, Science, and Postclassical Theory is a unique collection of essays dealing with the intersections between science and mathematics and the radical reconceptions of knowledge, language, proof, truth, and reality currently emerging from...List Price $17.00List Price $17.00