From the Back Cover "In The Way to Our Heavenly Father, G. John Champoux has given us a great gift, a profound and wide-ranging meditation on the Lord's Prayer. It's hard to imagine anyone reading this book carefully -- or even dipping into it casually -- without coming across a passage that will magnify understanding, inspire hope, and deepen faith. A splendid achievement!" -- Philip Zaleski, editor of The Best American Spiritual Writing series and co-author of Prayer: A History "There is more mystery and majesty here than can be taken in by mere reading. This is a book to linger over prayerfully, as it reveals how the depths of Jesus's outwardly simple prayer can be heard resounding through the millennia." -- Frederica Mathewes-Green, author of Facing East: A Pilgrim's Journey into the Mysteries of Orthodoxy Product Description Our Father who art in heaven. . . . Two thousand years have elapsed since these words were first spoken from the Mount of the Beatitudes. Since that time countless sermons and commentaries have echoed these words, but never has the Lord's Prayer been likened to such an array of spiritual themes: the Commandments, the Divine Liturgy, the virtues, the Gospels, and then the Apocalypse and the Psalms are all taken in turn and formed into "verbal icons." This is an eminently practical book to be not so much quoted as lived, a modern quest for the heart of Scripture. "In The Way to Our Heavenly Father, G. John Champoux has given us a great gift, a profound and wide-ranging meditation on the Lord's Prayer. It's hard to imagine anyone reading this book carefully--or even dipping into it casually--without coming across a passage that will magnify understanding, inspire hope, and deepen faith. A splendid achievement!" -- Philip Zaleski, editor of The Best American Spiritual Writing series and co-author of Prayer: A History "There is more mystery and majesty here than can be taken in by mere reading. This is a book to linger over prayerfully, as it reveals how the depths of Jesus's outwardly simple prayer can be heard resounding through the millennia." -- Frederica Mathewes-Green, author of Facing East: A Pilgrim's Journey into the Mysteries of Orthodoxy