New translations of three classic modernist plays: "Woyzeck" by Georg Büchner, "Pelleas and Melisande" by Maurice Maeterlinck, and "Ubu Roi" by Alfred Jarry; with a foreword by Oskar Eustis, an Introduction by Paul Walsh, and an Afterword by Rob Melrose "Rob Melrose is a kind of magician, and his theater, Cutting Ball, is one of the most exciting and integrity-filled enterprises going in the sometimes-shabby field of the American theater. These translations, lucid and sharp, are a beautiful testimony to the value of Rob's achievement." -- from the forward by Oskar Eustis artistic director of the Public Theatre New York City "To bring these three plays together into a single volume is to embrace a heritage of modernist experiment, left us by young men in their 20s living in the 19th century. It is a heritage that redefined risk as it redefined theater and the purposes it serves. And it is this that makes this volume so valuable. We are invited to see these plays that defined the theater of today afresh, in a language that is both immediate and theatrical, and embrace the risk they celebrate as our own. And isn't that what we should expect from a new translation? To experience again as new those very things that helped shape who we are?" -- from the introduction by Paul Walsh Associate Professor (adjunct) of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism Yale School of Drama